
"​Dementia is a term for several diseases that affect memory, thinking, 
and th​e ability to perform daily activities"
- World Health Organisation

6 Common Types of Dementia

Alzheimer's Disease Dementia

The most common type of dementia contributing to 60%-70% of cases. It is characterised by brain cell death. 

Main symptoms: Forgetting names and recent events, neglecting personal care, mood and personality changes.

Vascular Dementia

The second most common type of dementia. It is caused by a lack of blood flow to the brain. It is strongly related to diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. 

Main symptoms: ​Problems with problem-solving, slowed thinking, and loss of focus and organisation.

Frontotemporal Dementia

A type of dementia with ​degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. 

Main symptoms: Changes in behavior, personality, thinking, judgment, language and movement.

Lewy Body Dementia

A type of dementia with abnormal deposits of protein inside nerve cells. It shares many symptoms with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's dementias. 

Main symptoms: ​Acting out dreams in sleep, visual hallucinations, uncoordinated or slow movement, tremors, and stiffness.

Parkinson's Disease Dementia

Majority of people with Parkinson's develop Parkinson's Disease Dementia.

Main symptoms: Understanding visual information, remembering how to do simple daily tasks, confusion, and hallucinations.

Mixed Dementia

People with mixed dementia can have Alzheimer's disease, Vascular dementia and Lewy body dementia together in combination.

Main symptoms: Symptoms may be similar to those of Alzheimer's or another type of dementia.

Courtesy: ​Mayo Clinic

Most people currently living with dementia have not received a formal diagnosis

High-Income Countries

50 - 80%

dementia cases ​remain undiagnosed

Middle to Low-Income Countries


dementia cases ​remain undiagnosed

Courtesy: World Alzheimer Report 2011 - Alzheimer's Disease International

Dementia Facts and Figures

Every 3 seconds a new person is diagnosed with dementia globally

More than 75% of the cases are undiagnosed around the world

Dementia global prevalence doubles every 20 years

Average waiting time for an early-stage dementia  diagnosis is 6-18 months


Aged 65 yrs and over get dementia


Females affected


Doctors think it is related to old age


Carers hide the diagnosis